----------VISUAL EDWARDS RESULTS: 'Supernatural' - RBoss---------- Visualization is 48 x 27 inches Term Set A: supernatural, supernatural, supernatural, supernatural, supernatural Term Set B: operation, exercises, effect, efficiency, efficiency Distance between terms: up to '20' Labels: 'yes' Terms A/B: WJE 2:205 WJE 2:340 WJE 18:88 WJE 18:89 WJE 18:529 WJE 21:300 WJE 23:165 WJE 23:210 WJE 23:211 WJE 24:1168 WJE 25:528 Terms B/A: WJE 1:318 WJE 2:139 WJE 2:228 WJE 2:233 WJE 2:275 WJE 18:200 WJE 18:529 Visualization color theme is 'RdYlGn' Highlighted term: 'supernatural' Highlighted term: 'operation' Highlighted term: 'exercises' Highlighted term: 'effect' Highlighted term: 'efficiency' Background color is 'black' and label color is 'white' Visualization layout is 'spring' Layout seed is '1' Processing time: 00h:00m:36.16s